The government hasn’t stepped up to the plate to implement stronger laws to make our personal care products safer. Companies just keep going on their merry way doing what they do because they are not being forced to make changes to have safer products.So where does that leave us? We can demand ... Read More about Would you Eat your Soap?
10 Random Items Containing Animal Products
Whether you are a meat eater or not-there are many products that we use daily containing animal by products. Most companies do not have to disclose on their labels if there are in fact animal ingredients in their products; they leave it very vague. 10 random items that surprisingly contain some ... Read More about 10 Random Items Containing Animal Products
What will you choose?
Conventional farms apply chemical fertilizers such as nitrogen to promote plant growth, where as organic/sustainable local farms apply natural fertilizers (manure and/or compost).Conventional farms spray insecticides to deter pests and disease where as organic/sustainable local farms use insects ... Read More about What will you choose?
No harsh chemicals for this girl: Magnolia Organics Giveaway
Organic. Environmentally responsible. Fair trade. Socially responsible. Sustainability. Minimal packaging.All words I love to hear when I am purchasing anything from food to cosmetics to clothing to yes, even sheets.Most people know that eating organic foods are better for your health and the ... Read More about No harsh chemicals for this girl: Magnolia Organics Giveaway
Reducing your Plastic Footprint
Have you ever wondered how much plastic you use in a day? A week? A month? I have always been pretty conscious of how much plastic I use and buy on a daily basis, but I was curious to see if there was a way that I could further reduce my plastic consumption.This is when I decided to take on the ... Read More about Reducing your Plastic Footprint
Plastic Soup
Did you know that there is an enormous soup of plastic litter that floats somewhere between California and Hawaii? You are at the beach and decide to roll up a message, put it in a bottle, and throw it out to sea hoping it will reach land.Please don’t follow through with that thought. The bottle ... Read More about Plastic Soup
Keep your Butts off our Beach
Summer has arrived and all the beach-goers have probably seen them hiding in the sand with their butts ever so slightly peeking out -cigarette butts littering our shorelines. Most people are aware of the health risks associated with smoking cigarettes. However, they often forget the environment ... Read More about Keep your Butts off our Beach
It Starts with Me- Beach Cleanup
If small everyday actions have lead us to the current environmental state we are in, then maybe small everyday actions can just as easily reverse the damage. How can you possibly make a difference? In 20 minutes, my husband I were able to pick up all this trash that would have otherwise polluted our ... Read More about It Starts with Me- Beach Cleanup
Do you have 20 minutes?
It's "trash" week here on Good Girl Gone Green, so turn up the volume and let this trashy party begin! Sorry for the background noise, it was a clearly a windy day! ... Read More about Do you have 20 minutes?
How Many Disposable Water Bottles do you Use a Week?
Did you know that 60,000 plastic water bottles are disposed of in landfills daily in the United States alone?To me that is a frightening number. That is a lot of plastic just sitting in a pile somewhere.Plastic water bottles negatively impact our planet to a greater extent than just sitting in a ... Read More about How Many Disposable Water Bottles do you Use a Week?