Everywhere we look—from food containers to DVD packaging to the insides of our cars—we see plastic. It seems almost impossible to escape, but can we reduce our plastic consumption?Yes, we can recycle our plastic, but it is downcycled. Every time plastic is recycled, it gets weaker, so we will ... Read More about Could you go plastic-free?
Water conservation
I always try to conserve as much water as possible during any given day. Some days, it can easier than others, but I figure every bit helps. Don't get me wrong, some of the items on the list will be a challenge, yes even for me, while others are an everyday occurrence.20 ways to help reduce your ... Read More about Water conservation
Refuse. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
Every day, people dispose of billions of tons of trash. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American typically produces an astonishing 4.4 lbs (2 kg) of trash a day, which translates to 1600 lbs (725 kg) a year. You may wonder where all this trash goes. It disappears from ... Read More about Refuse. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
6 Reasons to Buy Organic and Locally Sourced Foods
Where do your fruits and veggies come from? It is amazing to me how today we are “fortunate” enough to have access to any type of food, no matter the time of year. We eat berries and cucumbers in the middle of winter; we can have oranges in the summer. Now take a step back and think about: ... Read More about 6 Reasons to Buy Organic and Locally Sourced Foods
3 ways to Compost Successfully
I do realize that composting with red wigglers is most definitely not for everyone. However, there are alternatives to setting up a worm composting bin. After my worm composting experience went sour, the thought of having all my food scraps put in a landfill was unappealing and not an option for ... Read More about 3 ways to Compost Successfully
How to Compost with Red Wigglers
Why we should compost with red wigglers Landfills are one of the largest sources of greenhouse gases and other pollution to our atmosphere. The majority of trash is composed of food scraps. How much garbage would you be left with if you were taught how to compost with red wigglers? The trash in ... Read More about How to Compost with Red Wigglers
Composting with Red Wigglers
I thought composting would be a great project for us; my husband not so much. It took months for me to convince him it was remotely a good idea and when I say convince, I really mean I resorted to using my pregnancy to my advantage. You see, when I was pregnant last spring, I was doing my red ... Read More about Composting with Red Wigglers
Solar Thoughts
Last fall President Obama made a promise to have solar panels and solar water heaters installed at the White House by the end of spring. Well, spring has come and gone and I don’t see any solar panels on the roof. Do you? After the announcement in October, I was immediately thrilled. Finally, we are ... Read More about Solar Thoughts
Who's that Girl?
When I see garbage cans overflowing with recyclables, it breaks my heart.When I see plastic bags and disposable plastics wash up on the shores of our oceans, rivers and lakes, it makes me sad.When I see cows being force-fed corn, it makes me sick to my stomach.When I see people turn a blind ... Read More about Who's that Girl?