I get asked this questions all the time: Have you always been this passionate about the environment? I most definitely have not always been like this. It has been a process; an evolution over the years. Find out more about the first part of my story here and second here.
Little E was born in October 2010, a healthy and happy little girl. I knew before she was born that I would be nursing her; for how long I did not know. All I knew was that I had to put my best foot forward and provide her with the best possible nourishment for her tiny body. I ate relatively well, and always ate organic.
A few months into little E’s life, I decided it was time to start loosing the baby weight and get back into shape. A friend, Carrie from How Does She Do It Mom helped me along my journey. She provided me with a workout and nutritional plan. Seeing as I was nursing, I did not follow it to the T, but I implemented, what I thought, were healthy choices.
Along my weight loss journey, not only was my body changing, but my mind and my view of food also changed. I am not sure how or why I began researching veganism and raw foodism, but I am so glad I did.
After many heated discussions with J.P, I finally opened up about my struggles I had with food during my entire life. I knew that changing my eating habits were not only in my best interest, but that of little E. I didn’t want her growing up with the same body image and self-esteem issues I had.
After the holidays last year, I slowly began reducing my meat intake, well actually all animal products. I began researching the vegan lifestyle and finding great recipes; I started to feel great. I bought a juicer and it became my new BFF. I started making amazing and delicious smoothies. Best of all I began eating vegetables I never would have never dreamed of eating only a few months prior. Kale? I don't think so, but now it is a staple in the house.
I don’t know the exact day that I converted to a plant-based diet, but it was sometime in May. Let’s be honest, animal products are everywhere, even in plastic bags! Who knows maybe in a year I will eat an egg. I live one day at a time. It works for me right now, so why rock the boat!
Over the last year, I have been much more environmentally conscious. Adjusting my eating habits was just one of the many things I felt I needed to change to live a healthier and more eco-friendly life.
For me, this is only the beginning. One day we will have our dream eco-friendly home with rain barrels, a large composting pile, a rooftop garden to grow food all year long, an outside garden, and maybe even live off the grid.
Some gals want diamonds- this one wants a wind turbine!
*This is part one of my environmental/health evolution: part 1 and part 2
found you on the hop, following your google+ page, would love a google+ follow back!
I loved reading about your inspiration! You’re an amazing human being and inspiration to others.
Wow, thanks Susan! That is so kind of you!
You are just the coolest i like that you want to live in a eco house. that is really cool. i want to too 😀 but the husband is resistent
Why thank you, Jodi! *blush* It is the works, in a few years maybe!
That’s great!
Hi there! You are an inspiration!
Thank you!
Great site, and good to hear of your journey. I have begun asking myself what is enviromentally sustainable at every turn, particularly when it comes to food. I also liked your toothbrush post!
Thanks so much for your kind words! Thanks for reading!
Thanks, Claire!
following from the blog hop id love for you to follow http://mommaof3-littlebits.blogspot.com/
Do it! Juicing is the best!
I heart you, Anna!!!! 🙂