J.P and I have pledged as of yesterday to go waste-free for one full year. Read more here. Crazy, right?!
Reducing your waste daily doesn't have to be hard. In fact, just follow these simple, yet effective tips and you will be on your way to living a little less wasteful while outside of the home.
- Why not have a reusable water bottle, cup or (click here purchase-affiliate link) handy when you need to quench your thirst with some water or are craving that latte?
- It is so easy to do and you will save many trees; cloth napkins/towels (click here to purchase -affiliate link) opposed to paper napkins/towels.
- I know most might find it hard to skip the straw; so why not invest in a glass straw (click here to purchase -affiliate link) that you can bring everywhere, and they are so pretty!
- We use so many plastic bags for produce or items in bulk. How about using cloth produce bags/reusable shopping bags (click here to purchase -affiliate link) instead.
- Most people might not realize the amount of food that is wasted at restaurants, so why not have a container (click here to purchase -affiliate link) available for your left overs to eat later or to put in your compost bin?
- When it comes to recycling, it can be as easy away from home as it is at home. Either look for recycling bins outside of your home or simply have a bag ready to put your paper, glass and metal in while you are out and about.
- If you decide to hit up a fast food restaurant where they only provide disposable cutlery (click here to purchase here -affiliate link), why not have your own on hand. This will divert lots and lots of plastic from landfills.
- While shopping try asking for “no receipt.” Some stores do offer the “no-receipt” option and just think of the trees that will be saved and you won't be touching gross BPA.
The best thing I feel I have done to make things easier and reduce my family's waste outside of the home is being prepared. I believe most have good intentions and do purchase reusable items to use, but these items don't do you any good at home when you are purchasing an impromptu coffee!
I have a cloth bag in my car with 2-4 stainless steel containers, 2 cups, PeopleTowels (reusable napkins/towels), reusable cutlery, cloth produce bags, cloth shopping bags and glass straw. (click here to see my favorite glass straw)
This is how I prepare the family for any stops we might make when we are out of the home. You can never be too prepared, right?
What will you put in your “Zero Waste” goodie bag?
great tips. At the beginning of our zero waste mission we used to keep forgetting things so now we have a box by the front door which we can grab. It contains water bottles. reusable bags and boxes to take to the veg store, delicatessen and butchers in order to avoid wasteful packaging. We don’t tend to eat out, we tend to take food with us, so that’s already taken care of, although sometimes I forget something to wipe mouths / hands in – I need to move something into the ca I guess 🙂
Thank you! We don’t eat out offen, but we have been travelling a lot and there is only so much food that keeps well in a car on long road trips, so we do the occasion Panera bread or Chipotle! We just always want to be prepared for the “what if moments!” I am loving your Zero Waste week! 🙂
I think my husband may tell me to stop reading your blog! I keep telling him some of the tips you post and he keeps rolling his eyes!! 🙂
No, please dont stop! lol I like you.
Wow! I don’t know if we could be completely waste free, but you have some great tips to get us closer to the goal.
Thanks Jessica!
I am trying to reduce waste as well! I am gradually getting better at it by trying to make one small change at a time. I am currently trying to use unpaper towels and am finding it very difficult! When I do use a paper towel i try to recycle it! I love the cutlery idea!!
found you on the SSS hop and i am a new follower! please follow me back http://quiet-ct.blogspot.com !
Good for you on trying to reduce your waste!
Thank you for this going green tips.We already practicing reducing waste. This are helpful and little ways we can do to protect our environment through global warming.
Thats great! There are so many things that can be done to protect the environment!
Good ides. Also something as simple as using your paper mail (either shredded or not) to put down as weed matting in the garden. Even though there are companies that offer the option of receiving your business mail by email, there is still some mail that you get in the post that can be put to use rather than tossing it out (or at least put it in the recycle bin!) 🙂
True. Good idea for the garden!
Maybe a friendly reminder….:)
Thanks, Angela! I hope you do try some of the tips!