“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes…the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” ~Steve Jobs
Over the last two years or so, we (me and my husband, JP) have been looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible. We thought we were doing a pretty good job by recycling, composting, using reusable bags, mugs, cups and water bottles, buying organic/local foods, but we never put too much thought into our waste, where it ended up and what our actual carbon footprint was.
I was continuously wondering if there was more we could do? And of course, the answer was yes!
We watched No Impact Man, where a family from New York City over one year gradually decreased their carbon footprint to zero. JP turned to me and said “I hope you aren't getting any ideas. I am not giving up electricity.” We had a good laugh, but little did he know, I was coming up with all sorts of plans! <Insert mischievous laugh here.>
I later stumbled upon, The Clean Bin Project, where fellow Canadians from Vancouver, BC- Jen and Grant and their roommate (Rhyannon) went one full year trying to create zero waste by not purchasing material goods; just food and necessities.
My first though was: I could totally do this. My second thought was: how could I present this to JP in a fun manner to get him on board?
To my surprise, JP was really intrigued by the concept. He became so passionate about our potential project that we have decided to add many more facets than just zero waste.
JP would like this to be a competition to see who creates the least amount of waste in one year. Who is he kidding? Does he really think he will beat me?
This is how Project Green Foot was born!
Project Green Foot will be us attempting to calculate our carbon footprint over the next year by:
- Keeping a record of the amount of gas we consume in one year.
- Keeping a record of our electricity consumption at home in one year.
- Keeping a record of what we purchase (food and necessities) on a weekly basis.
- Trying to create zero waste by consuming less; actually zero material objects, composting all food scraps at home and outside of the home and recycling everything we possibly can. We will weigh all our trash (if we have any), compost and recycling weekly.
We are well aware there are many other things to consider when calculating our carbon footprint such as the resources and materials used while we are at work, the impact of eating at restaurants, etc, but we will do the best we can with the information we have access to.
In an effort to minimize our carbon footprint, we will also:
- Use everything we already have in the house. We don't want to waste anything.
- Purchase only food and necessities-toothpaste, laundry detergent, deodorant., medication etc. However, we will attempt to make as many of our own products.
- Not purchase material goods. This means no clothing or fancy shoes, no electronics or the latest DVD's, no disposable containers or disposable cutlery, no hair elastics or brushes and most definitely no styrofoam…I am pretty sure you get the picture.
- Only make purchases with recyclable packaging and avoid excess packaging.
- Look for alternatives to plastic packaging when making purchases.
- Compost all waste scraps plus other materials that are compostable at home.
- Bring home compostable materials to place in our compost bin.
- Recycle all glass, metal, aluminum, plastic and look for ways to recycle other miscellaneous objects that do not ordinarily go into the recycling bin.
- Use glassware, if we decide to get take-out from a restaurant.
- Use cloth towels/napkins' and glass straw opposed to disposables.
- Buy waste-less gifts for others i.e. donate money etc.
- Encourage others to give waste-less gifts to us.
- Spend money on transportation, entertainment and experiences (accommodations).
- We have a 10 month old daughter. Therefore, within the next year there will most definitely be some things that we will need to purchase for her. We will, however, purchase items only that are necessary, eco-friendly/non-toxic and in minimal packaging.
- We will not buy unnecessary toys or an overabundance of them.
With all this said, we are kicking off Zero Waste week 2011 in style, by pledging to attempt to create zero waste for one full year while trying to calculate our carbon footprint along the way!
Every Monday I will update you all on our progress!
Disclaimer: This project is for our own entertainment and we are not asking or expecting anyone else to go a full year without purchasing any material products or advocating that we all should never purchase anything again. Eventually my daughter will need some clothing; she is growing like a weed.
We will still spend money on food and necessities, as well as transportation, and the occasional movie or restaurant outing. We will be supporting the local economy by making responsible purchases.
We are not against buying. We simply want to reduce our unnecessary consumerism.
All we want to do is challenge ourselves. We believe that we can all make a difference one green-foot at a time. Some of you might think we are some crazy hippies. And if you do- that's ok.
It is usually the crazy ones that think change is possible and do, in turn, make a difference. I love knowing we are playing a role in decreasing our impact on the environment, however small it may be.
Wooo hooo!!! Good luck, looking forward to reading all about it. Please though, do be honest with us, those amazing wonder women who do it all without so much as a grumble make me suspicious! (though, from looking at your blog you are a wonder women!)
Wonder what Steve Jobs would make of this & you using his quote?! Don´t think he´d be so minted if we were all thinking – and acting – like this! Ha ha, good on ya for turning it on it´s head.
Can´t wait to start reading & sharing your progress.
Oh, I will be honest!, Michelle-promise! I am not wonder women, but thanks! I just do what I can because I am so passionate about the environment! It comes as second nature for me to do things green! Not sure what Steve Jobs would say! But I never thought about it until now….that is pretty funny, once you think about it!
Loving it and wishing you the best, I know you can do it. I love JP’s competition idea:-). You sound just like me, coming up with plans while watching No Impact Man, lol. I can’t wait to read your progress and join you on the challenge:-)!!
Thanks T for rooting for us! JP loves competitions, but when it comes to living green, who is he kidding.-he cant beat me…lol! I hope you will at some point join me on the journey! 🙂
I love it! And I don’t think you’re doing anything too drastic or unreasonable. The most important thing you’re doing is creating your own awareness of your impact. And the great thing is that you aren’t limiting the MONEY you spend. There are electronic books and movies and everything else available for download.
I’ve gotten so much better at recycling and have made steps to make it easier for everyone in my family. The trick is really to get into the habit. I know you can do it!
Thanks, Fadra; that means a lot! We are not necessarily limited our spending but we will most definitely be more aware of where our money is going. We still want to experience things and believe experiences are better then material objects!
Every little but helps. Do the best you can! Some recycling is better then no recycling!
thanks Beth~ I already have 2 hair brushes and do not need more. Also, I was just writing a list of random things I won’t be purchasing because I wouldn’t need them, but LOL, you are thorough in your reading-love it!
Yay! Just popping in to wish you guys luck! I look forward to reading about the journey. Also, very clever “Encourage others to give waste-less gifts to us.” ie. donate money.. to you 😉 Just teasin’!
Thanks so much! LOL, Sara! I meant donate money to a charity!! 🙂
Thanks Dean!
Thank you! 🙂
I’m So excited about this; I can hear your enthusiasm bouncing off the page. Can’t wait to see what you get up to and thanks for all the zero waste week support!
Thanks! I am pretty excited about this! We have been talking about it for a while now and decided to put it into action!! And I love the zero waste week…brillant idea!! 🙂
Thanks. I know, it really is a great quote. Not sure if this is what he had in mind…..
Good luck! I think you’re very brave!
I a, not brave, just try to do what I can! But thanks!
wow…i am just amazed at what you and your family are able to do. definitely a lifestyle change! good for you!
Thank you so much! We just want to make a difference as much as we can! 🙂
I love a good challenge! This is a great one! I’m trying to work on several things you mentioned, doing them all is surely going to be difficult, but very meaningful and worthwhile. I can’t wait to read all of your updates along the way!
Thanks Sarah! I am looking forward to sharing the good and the bad with everyone!
Thank you so much for the kind words!
This sounds like a fantastic project. I wish you luck. For your daughter who is growing like a weed. What kid is not you might check out buying her clothes second hand, thrift or consignment, Even setting up a clothing exchange with other parents. I always joke that my kids don’t own clothes so much as they rent them. It seems we are lucky to have some things last a year around here. If you want more info on a clothing exchange drop me a line. I organized one last year. It really is not that hard.
Thanks Lisa! I think buying second hand is great for the environment but I am a stickler for toxins, and I know most people think I am crazy. I really like to buy my daughter organic/sustainable clothing. I only buy what I need though. She always wears the same thing because I do the laundry every 3-4 days for her diapers. The clothing exchange is a great idea though, I will look into it for sure. I will be in touch!
Love your site! I’m always looking for new ways to be more green! I’m a new follower from the blog hop. Please stop by and follow me at Tips for Saving: http://ourtipsforsaving.blogspot.com
Thanks and Keep in Touch!
Thanks Rose!
LOL!!! Its great that when you go shopping for new clothing you have to give away old clothing! Great idea.
Good luck! I hope you and JP are able to do what you set out and even more! I think it is quite a challenge and I know my husband would put his foot down if I suggested it! Plus…I don’t think I could go a full year w/o buying at least ONE pair of cute shoes! 😉
Thanks! Things ate going great so far!!!
What an amazing thing you are doing. I can’t wait to reas about it. This sounds like The beginning of a great book idea…. Printed on recycled paper of course!
Thanks. A book sounds like a good idea…:)
I really like this idea. Our family has become more conscious of how much we can better recycle. We had enough that we asked for a second collection bin. Many weeks we have more to be recycled that in our trash can. We do compost and I’m working toward buying more local, fresh produce than canned and frozen. I keep reusable bags in the car, and map out my errands to cut down on driving. Once you get started it becomes habit.
Exactly, it has t become a habit! great job!
This is fabulous! Thanks for sharing!
Another thing you can do if you really need something is to buy it secondhand. That’s reusing, which is is second in the recycling mantra! Love your ideas!
My family took part in a No Spend Month last Spring.
If you are interested here is the blog post:
Congrats! I love it when people take challenges like this!
Thanks so much. I will go and check out the post for sure! 🙂
Found you via Thoughtful Thursdays! Great Post btw! I am interested in watching you over the next year to see how your project works out! Follow back at http://www.pargasjunkyard.wordpress.com and/or on facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pargas-Junkyard/259287017434763
Awww, that is so sweet, Charise! You’re welcome!
Thank you! Me too I hope it goes well…..LOL!
Wow, what an endeavor! Good luck with your challenge, and let us know how it goes. I’m stumbling this from the Stop and Stumble hop.
Thank you, Rachel!
Wow! I admire you taking on such an ambitious challenge. I’ll be keeping watch to see how it goes for a year.
I gladly gave your post a Stumble.
Thanks, Jayne! I appreciate the stumble! 🙂
That is very noble. While I don’t think we could ever do anything like that. I totally support you in your efforts! You rock!
I am visiting from the Stop and Stumble Hop. I have stumbled this post. If you have a chance please stumble mine too. http://www.messforless.net/2011/09/foam-window-clings.html
Thanks! I havent always been this “green”. It has been a process!
Thank you! WOW,that seems so interesting!
Thank you Elle!
One day at a time!
You seriously rock! We do everything we can to be green, but I may have to give it a long and hard thought to trying out your project in the coming year. I have three young children, so it may not be as easy when it comes to toys and stuff like that, but at least I started cloth diapering with our newborn. I just have convince my husband about using cloth wipes. That may take some major getting used to. Thank you for all your great posts. Love them! BTW, we live in Dallas. How are you liking DFW so far?
Thanks! Every bit helps! Just do what you can, that’s all anyone can ask for! You are in Dallas? I am loving Fort Worth; we need to meet up!
Yes, we most certainly do need to meet up. You need to give me pointers on how you can find the time to write as much as you do on your blog. BTW, would you like to be a guest blogger for my “Save Our Planet Saturday” series? Email me at thegreenhouseboutique(at)gmail(dot)com.
Night time, night time, night time and early in the morning! Did I mention I am tired and have a 12 month at home with me…..*sigh* Will email you 🙂
That’s what I mean? I am homeschooling my 5-year-old and 3-year-old, and I have a 3-month-old who seems to be going through a “Mommy, hold me, hold me” stage. I can’t seem to find any time for anything else, let alone keep up with my blog. How do all these other mommy bloggers do it?
Such a wonderful project to tackle as a family. With the 10 month old, there are so many ways to buy gear/clothes/etc from consignment shops or sales which is also a nice way to maintain the theme of “less.”
You reminded me that I should write down everything we spend, especially on food. I make the majority of our food and I know there are ways I can trim our budget. Thanks!
Thank you, Emily! So far we are on week 22 and loving it! 🙂
Thank you very much for placing this post on Natural Mothers Network’s linky: Seasonal Celebration! You helped make Seasonal Celebration a wealth of intelligent, creative and resourceful information and it’s been such a pleasure for me and many others to read through each post. I am really looking forward to seeing you again Sunday evening or Monday! Rebecca x
Thanks for letting me know!