Do you go that extra mile and make sure to have your reusable mug, cup, water bottle, or cloth bag handy for those impromptu stops? I am sure you won’t be surprised to learn the amount of waste associated with these one time use products. For example, 25 billion paper cups on average are throw away every year by Americans.
By simply purchasing sturdy reusable cloth bags or stainless steel bottles and cups you are reducing the amount of your daily waste tremendously. There are many companies out there “claiming” to be green when, in fact, they are not so green. Therefore, it is nice when I come across a company that is actually trying to do good, and help make a greener impact with other companies.
Factory Direct has been working with corporations, non-profits and small businesses for the last 15 years, providing items like eco-friendly drinkware, seed business cards and greeting cards, recycled pens, USB drives, shirts, lanyards and reusable bags for companies like The Home Depot, The Salvation Army, Marriott and more. Factory Direct Promos has proven their commitment to helping organizations go green.
They started their Eco Life Brand with a vision to manufacture environmentally friendly products that will help companies large and small do their part to:
- Reduce pollution
- Reduce landfill waste
- Reduce toxic releases
- Reduce demand on forests
- Reduce energy consumption
I love that they recently created an info-graph “Why a reusable cup?” To me it is obvious why we should, but to others who may just be beginning their green journey this is a perfect way to explain how their small act of using a reusable cup can can make a difference.
So, why not try to lessen your impact on the planet and learn simple ways that you can make a difference one coffee cup at a time!
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