One of my favorite “green” restaurants is Chipotle. It is touch and go with Chipotle whether they will take out reusable glassware for our burritos bowls. Every Chipotle seems to have different rules on the matter. We went to the one in Fort Worth and they were not willing to take them, so I will be going back to speak to the manager to explain our situation a little more.
J.P actually went to the Chipotle near his work on Friday and they refused his glassware. However, to be fair, the container is at least compostable. What is a hungry, waste-free guy like him to do? Well, he got it anyways without the cover. He later spoke to the manager and explain our project and he agreed to take our glassware from now on! It is amazing what a little explaining can do. Thank you Chipotle Hurst!
Whole Foods
- Almonds (6.31 lbs)
- Walnuts (4.45 lbs)
- Raisons (4.33 lbs)
- Pistachios (1.58 lbs)
- Cashews (3.90 lbs)
- Chickpeas (4.5 lbs)
- Garlic powder
- 3x chocolate chips
- 3bunches of bananas
- 7 apples
- Fresh parsley
- 1 loaf of bread
- 2 raw coconut aminos (soya sauce alternative without the soy)
- 1 glass bottle of sunflower oil
- 4 preserve toothbrushes
- 4 avocados
Sub-total: 264.57
Central Market
- 2 Sprouted bread
- 2 glass bottles Kombucha
- Quina in bulk (4.49 lbs)
- Green lentils in bulk (2.39 lbs)
- 2 cucumbers
- Fresh basil
- Raw cacao nibs
- I paper bag of Tortillas
- Coconut milk ice cream
- Orange juice
- Fresh cilantro
- 12 lemons
- 1 bunch of bananas
- 2 red peppers
- 2 bagels
Sub-Total: 117.35
- 2 bottles with straw for little E
- Extension cord
Sub-Total: 22.47
Total: 404.39
- Friday: J.P went to Chipotle for a buritos bowl. Jealous! 8.50
- Friday: we went to a new pizza joint called Firestone Pies. It was delicious. 50.00
Total food and restaurant: 462.89
We found out there is a Whole Foods only 20 minutes from our place in Fort Worth. I am not going to go every week, but I will go to buy the things I need in bulk. They have a wonderful organic bulk section. We went last week and stocked up all all kinds of goodness. Nuts and seeds are a staple in our home so we make sure to get lots. We spent a pretty penny, but it was all worth it and will last at least a month, if not more.
I am going to have to bring last weeks composting to our friends; the bin is pretty full. I juiced quite a bit this week, so I had a large amount of pulp to compost. I was going to use the pulp to make veg broth or raw breads, but I just did not have the time to do all those things. So, the earth is getting it instead. The total weight of our compost was 16.4 lbs. Wow, we had lots of food scraps.
We have been in Fort Worth for four weeks now, and we finally put our recycling outside to be picked up. We filled one big blue bag. This weeks recycling was low. We had a few paper and plastic items.
The trash was the usual suspects: fruit/veggie stickers, plastic banana wrap, small plastic from orange juice and a small amount of plastic from the loaf of bread (most of the bag was paper except for a small portion).
We did not travel very much this week and did not have to fill up our gas tank.. I went to get food a few times and J.P did drive to work once this week. The total kilometers was 112 (69.6 mi). Pretty good. I am glad we are downtown Fort Worth, this way I am able to walk to most places.
I am looking forward to picking up our bi-monthly veggie and fruit basket this week. ! wonder what little surprises will be inside.
J.P is off to Providence, Rhode Island for work on Tuesday until Friday. We will see how he fairs with his waste-free while on the road. I think the composting part will be a challenge and unrealistic. I guess we will see what he has up his sleeve to try and be as waste-free as possible for four days. Stay tuned!
Photo courtesy of Chipotle
Wow! You guys are awesome. My kids are heavy duty recyclers since they started school. Their school runs an amazing recycle program to help raise awareness. We used to keep the recycle boxes outdoors, but not anymore. The kids are so in tune with it that they needed the bins where they could get them.
Now just if I could do composting. In our area they don’t take compost and because I don’t own my house the landlords won’t allow me to put in a compost at the back of the yard. I am lucky to have a full bag of garbage a week as I stick to purchases that are recyclable. If the packaging can’t be recycled, I don’t buy it.
Good luck to JP! Hope he can stick to it, even though it is definitely hard when you are away.
Thanks, Christine! It is nice to hear that there are other greenies other there! We bring our composting to a friends house. She has lots of land!
I love Chipotle…their burrito bowls are the best. And I LOVE love love that they will let you use your glassware :).I wonder if the one by house would allow me to do something like that. I think I will have to ask!
Let me know if they allow it.I have been trying to get Chipotle to take my glassware everywhere I go. No dice. Only some places. It’s too bad. They say it can be unsanitary- yes, if my glassware is not cleaned and all gross. 🙂
LOL! That’s funny!
Thanks, carole. I do understand that side of the coin. It is just frustrating because their are restaurants that do accept reusable containers to put their food in. I know I clean and do not go to the bathroom before ordering and put my container down. But I understand some people might not be so careful. Thanks for the information.
Thanks, Cathy!! 🙂 Yay, restaurants can be gross. We dont go out much, well actually one a week and try to go to Chipotle or a sustainable restaurant. Cheers!