My sweet niece, who I call the Good Kid Gone Green made her first appearance on my site in August with her newsletter titled “How much do you really know about global warming?”
She is such a great kid and truely cares about the environment. She joined the green team at her school this year and proudly shows off her team t-shirt. I wanted to share her talent and love for the environment yet again.
I care about our earth a lot,
Global warning makes the world hot.
Trucks and factories make lots of smoke,
Now it’s starting to make Mother Nature choke.
This really must stop!
Instead of taking the car just walk!
We need your help to save our planet,
So here is an easy way to look at it…
Our planet is in need you see,
With out it there is no you and me.
You see, if a 9 year cares and is willing to make changes- what are you waiting for?
[Photo used under Creative Commons from Donkey Hotey/Flickr
This is too precious. Sounds like your a great Aunt role model for this super bright little girl!
Thanks, Sarah!!!
Good for her. Smart girl!
She is such a smart that niece of mine! 🙂
What a brilliant gal!
She sure is, but I am biased!