About a year ago, I decided to ditch the conventional shampoo and conditioner and experiment with “no-pooing.” I have not looked back since, but, like those who have implemented the “no-poo” method probably already know all too well, it can leave your hair dry. So- what does a green gal like myself do? I use Google to find the best way to get rid of the dryness- obviously.
I read in various articles that putting a small amount of oil at the ends of your hair would help. Let’s just say I tried it and that it did not go as planned. My hair was an oily gross mess. It took a few days to completely get the oil out. I probably put too much oil and now I am just paranoid if I try it again the same will happen.
I have been on the lookout for a conditioner that would help with my dryness, but, at the same time, leave the toxins off of their ingredients list. A few months ago, I stumbled upon an American company that created a wonderful conditioner that I tried and liked. I was later approached by Erin from ElyOrganics.com who is an independent representative of Miessence. I thought I have nothing to loose, so why not give the conditioner a go.
The Conversation
I read through the ingredient list as I always do, and asked a zillion questions about their ingredients because I was not familiar with them all. Here are all the answers to my questions.
We discussed their EWG SkinDeep database rating which is a 2, and this means it is low risk. Could it be lower? Of course, but I am not sure how they could achieve this seeing as I am not a scientist. Most of their products are a 0-1 in the database which leads me to believe their products are safe. Erin believes the rating should be lower.
She also mentioned none of their products contain grape seed extract and I was of course intrigued to why. She explained that many companies use it as a preservative, but studies have shown that GSE as a pure extract exhibits no anti-microbial activity, and that it's typically the impurities in the extract that act as a preservative. Interesting.
She continued to say that Grapefruit Seed extract as a pure extract is harmless. However, the risk with it is that it can be contaminated with other harmful chemicals like methylparaben, triclosan, and benzethonium chloride. Scary! When a company uses GSE, they don't have to disclose all of the ingredients inside the extract. Is it an alcohol based extract? Is it in water? Is it in vegetable glycerin? Or is it pure extract? Does it contain preservatives?
Apparently, companies are not required to provide that information, and sometimes they actually are unaware themselves of the actual ingredients of the extract that's being sold to them. Find out more over at Bubble and Bee Organic (a wealth of information).
I guess we all learn something new everyday, and I would say this was a good tid bit to learn. This just shows you that you really need to be vigilant and read ingredient lists and not be afraid to ask questions, and keep asking until you are satisfied with the answers.
After a great conversation, I was confident with all the answers and that this particular conditioner might help with my hair problems!
Some of their products are certified organic though their conditioner is not. 86% of the ingredients are certified organic, but, to get the USDA organic certification, 95% of the ingredients need to be certified organic. Erin explained, for shampoo and conditioner especially, it is very difficult to achieve the certification.
According to their site, miessence organic shine herbal hair conditioner hydrates, conditions, and protects the hair with nourishing and emollient moringa seed oil from Tanzania. Organic herbs promote lustre and body. Naturally balances the pH with organic apple cider vinegar. Sounds good to me.
The Conditioner Experiment
I don't wash my hair everyday, so I had to wait for a hair washing day to try out my new conditioner. The day finally arrived, and I did my normal routine of baking soda and apple cider vinegar, and finished with the conditioner.
I am really enjoying my new hair. It honestly is a great conditioner and it was very simple to apply. Squeeze a small amount in your hand, massage into your hair and wait a minute or two. Rinse. That is all.
My hair is no longer dry. I am able to go a few days without washing. And, the best part: my hair looks and feels great.
However, the smell of the conditioner caught me off guard when I was applying it. It is made with organic botanicals and they do have a strong smell that I am not use to. I do not use any personal care products that container synthetic or natural fragrances, so this conditioner gave me a headache.
Of course, I wanted to keep using the conditioner, and there was no way I was going waste it or send it back. I brainstormed, and came up with a solution. I changed my hair washing routine. Here is what I did- I used the conditioner in my hair before applying the apple cider vinegar and this way the ACV masked the smell of the botanicals, but didn't compromise the effectiveness of the conditioner. I am brilliant.
Overall, I am very pleased with the results from using the conditioner and already looking forward to washing my hair again. Two more days.
Where to purchase
If you are looking to get your hands on this conditioner or another Miessence product, you can order directly from Erin Ely at ElyOrganics.com. She ships anywhere in the world at the rate of $9.95 for orders under $100, and orders over $100 the shipping rate is $4.95. You can also become a Miessence lifestyle member for free and receive 20% off your first purchase of $150, and will continue to receive 20% for subsequent orders.
I receive this conditioner as part of the Go Green Get Fit Challenge. ElyOrganic.com is a sponsor of the event and has offered various products to several of the participants to test drive.
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