Fruit flies—I hate them. Just when I think I've rid them from my home *POOF* they reappear. It's an endless cycle- a battle I sometimes have felt I'll never win. Our kitchen is filled with bananas and since it's apple season, many, many apples, of course. I guess these little creatures love bananas and apples as much as little E.
How to get rid of those nasty pests
- Apple cider vinegar
- Liquid dish soap
- Water
- Pour about 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 Tbsp of liquid dish soap in a container or jar. Mix it up with a spoon.
- Fill the jar with tap water until the bubbles reach the top.
- Place the jar where the fruit flies are causing trouble. They will be attracted to the sweet apple cider vinegar and get trapped in the bubbles. Sneaky.
I know this is not very vegan of me, and I should probably release them outside, or something. I do feel bad, but these bugs drive me bananas!
I quickly found out that I am not the only one with fruit fly issues.
- Tiffany from Nature Moms uses a jar with a piece of paper folded into the shape of a cone. The narrow part goes down into the jar. In the bottom, she pours apple cider vinegar and places a piece of fruit, such as a banana. The fruit flies can get in but are unable to get out. They will either drown or she suggests taking the jar outside to release them. Tiffany swears by this method.
- Rachel from Mommy Greenest squirts dish soap into a shot glass and fills it to the top with wine, and places the glass where the fruit flies are hovering. She believes that fruit flies are winos, and never turn down a glass of wine.
- Karen from EcoKaren uses apple cider vinegar and dish soap. You can read all about her fruit fly adventures and how she gets rid of them natural here.
- Michelle from Everything’s ABuzz puts a banana in a glass jar and covers the jar with a piece of wax paper using a rubber band over it. Poke some holes in the paper with a fork. They can get in, but aren’t able to get out.
- Nancy from Holistic Moms Network uses the vinegar and dish soap method with a jar.
What method do you prefer? Or do you simply live in harmony with the fruit flies?
Photo credit: uberculture via photopin cc