I get asked this questions all the time: Have you always been this passionate about the environment? I most definitely have not always been like this. It has been a process; an evolution over the years.
I did not become this crazy, square peg in a round hole person overnight. I changed over the years, especially over the last three. I educated myself, I researched and made decisions that I thought were best for me. I want people to realize that making life changes that will in turn help the planet do not need to happen overnight! They didn't for me, so why for you?
As long as I can remember, I have been recycling. I think it all started when I moved to my Dad’s place to be closer to university. My parents recycled, so logically I recycled. I just did it because that’s what we did. No questions asked.
As the years went on, I started to wondered why some people did not recycle even though it was pretty convenient. Back then, caring for the environment wasn't as in your face as now.
When asked, most people answered that there was no recycling services where they lived or just never thought to do it. I tried to educate and I most definitely did not always succeed. I think my approach was all wrong. I would get upset when people didn't care as much as I did, and I think that came across as being aggressive. I think people saw me as being too pushy or rude when I would say “You know you can recycle that.” I think people took my actions in the wrong manner when my intentions were pure.
I have since changed my approach and I try to educate differently. Now, I take peoples feeling into consideration; I don't want to make people feel bad about their actions or lack there of; I want to lead by example, and I want people to make changes because they want to, not because of the annoying blond girl.
I am the girl who drove every few weeks while living in August, GA, Wichita, KS and Williamsport, PA to the recycling facility because they didn't offer recycling where we were living. I am the girl who finally convinced J.P to compost in a small apartment. I am the girl who found a company to compost for us because our worm composting efforts failed badly.
For many years, I occasionally bought organic foods not really knowing why, just knowing that they were better for me. I would sneak organic food into the house hoping J.P wouldn't notice. He always said it was too expensive. We both didn't really understand the whole organic movement until we watched “Food Inc.” That is the day our lives changed forever.
My view of food and what I was consuming did a 180. I was a regular gal who recycled and cared about the environment. But, I ate factory farmed meat, I drank factory farmed milk, I ate candy, and I drank soda that contained aspartame, etc. I did on occasion wonder where my meat came from, and did not feel right when I did not really know the answer. A few minutes later the thought disappeared and I would continue to chow down on that piece of chicken. I never met my meat until I watched the movie.
That day, I decided I would never eat meat that was not organic and/or from a sustainable farm. To this day, I have kept my word. It was a struggle at first; many arguments between J.P. and I, but, in the end, I chose what I put in my body, nobody else. We finally agreed and the rest is history. We started introducing organic foods into our diet with the organic meats.
Then I got pregnant and you can only only imagine how much more environmentally responsible and healthy I became!
I challenge you all to watch the documentary “Food Inc.” It may or may not impact you, but at least it will open your eyes to where your food comes from and then you can make an educated decision. And I think that is something people need to see.
*This is part one of my environmental/health evolution: part 2 and part 3
I have to say I´m really enjoying reading your blog. Though, I do feel your one of those wonder women I´ll never be!!
Funny you said three years, that when I made the big switch from recycler to refuser! I´m in week 2 of eating vegan – ish. (local honey & eggs from a friend I´m eating) I was going to do it for a month, but actually it´s OK. Think as I´ve been making so many changes over the year, becomes easier. Maybe I´ll keep it up…
I´m sure your wasn´t an annoying blond girl! But living it´s the real way. There are enough “do as I say, not as I do” people. Now they ARE annoying!
I am so not wonder women! Like I said it took years for me to get here. Last year I never would have thought I would be trying to love waste-free! I would have laughed at someone if they would have brought it up! I really do love the environment and it is not a chore for me to live this way. If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t be doing it. 🙂 And I was most definitely the annoying blond girl…..:)
I meant more about your beautiful blog & the time you put into it. I´ve been procrastinating about one for years!
I really agree, it´s a time thing. Once you change something it becomes habit. Then the next change just feels like a new change, as the other change is now normal. I found a photo of me a few years ago! Did I use to shop like that??! I sure did, but slowly slowly I´m changing.
Thanks for your inspiration!
I think its cool that you made the change and that you informed yourself with all the ammo to make you a better person. Its hard to get people to change what they do, but if you do it and they then see how happy and healthy you are, that is better proof for the non believers.
You always..ALWAYS, have such great post and you have such great information.
Im glad to be a reader of yours.
Awww, thanks Scott! That is so kind of you. I am hoping by leading by example will slowly help others and see that change can happen, but it doesn’t have to happen over night!
Are you from Williamsport? I’m from PA and live outside of Harrisburg.
Back in the mid-90’s I went to Portland, OR to visit a college roommate and that trip was life-changing. My roommate was separating her trash and I didn’t have a clue what she was doing. I had never heard of recycling trash, because at the time I don’t think any municipality offered recycling in PA. I came home and started driving my trash to a recycling facility. My husband who was my boyfriend at the time thought I was nuts.
We watched Food Inc and it definitely inspired us to make some changes.
I was living in Williamsport for about 9 months. We moved back home to Montreal in September for a month and now we are in Fort Worth, Texas until April. FInally will be back home in Montreal for good! 🙂 Yay, Harrisburg isnt that far at all!
People look at me funny all the time, like when I have my own cloth napkin at a restaurant!
Our change has been slow and steady too. There’s no recycling in the little town we live in, (which is weird because I call it the “Boulder of western Colorado”), but since we’re in the country, grass fed meats and composting are a natural part of life. And now we’re talking about buying some land and homesteading!
Oh, and a good magazine for you to get is “Backwood Home”, there’s tons of good stuff in there!
Wow, homesteading that is amazing. i hope do do that in the future as well! I want a chicken, not even for the eggs.I just think they are cute! Good luck with everything, hope it works out for you!
We watched Food Inc. a few months ago, and the whole thing broke my heart. We also watch Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. We are slowly but surely working organic foods into our diet. The girls, especially. I haven’t found a great place around here that has organic meats, but I’m looking! It always makes me feel better to know that I’m giving the girls a healthy foundation because I don’t ever want them to have to deal with what I did in school being overweight and unhealthy. They deserve better.
That’s great what you are doing, Kallay!!! I love food revolution, too!
Thanks for coming by my blog and commenting. My family recently watched Food, Inc. It was a real eye-opener. Thankfully, we had already ordered a pastured pig and 1/2 of a grass-fed cow from a local farm and CSA. But, because of that movie I realized that if we wanted to eat chicken we needed to stay away from the industrial brands so readily available here. We’re baby stepping our way to a much greener and better way of living. I truly hope this movement catches on. I think it will. :0)
Baby steps is the way to go!
found your blog through comment love day.
this post is very close to home for me. i have taken several classes on material life cycle and sustainability during my time [back] at school. ive found myself having roommate arguments bordering on fights in the grocery store and in the kitchen, and i’m hoping i will eventually be able to afford pesticide free foods .
keep up the awesome work! and sometimes pushy isnt a bad thing..
Thank you, Liz! 🙂
thanks girl, I always wondered where the heart of your passion and commitment came from.
Now you know!!! 🙂
Doing something is better than doing nothing! Cheers!