Plastic. It is everywhere you look and almost impossible to avoid. It is made from oil, which is a non-renewable resource. It actually takes more oil to recycle plastic than to make new plastic. It contains all kinds of chemicals from PVC to BPA to phthalates, which helps make the material pliable. These chemicals have been known to seep into the foods we eat, causing health issues. However, on a happy note, there are plastic-free alternatives available, you just have to look.
I have always been pretty conscious of how much new plastic I purchase and I am continuously seeking out plastic-free items. I avoid certain foods or products, if no substitute is available or at the very least purchase items with little plastic or packaging.
When it comes to packing snacks and lunches or even leftovers in the fridge, I never use plastic. I do not want my food in contact with plastic and all the chemicals that come along with it. Luckily, there are so many fun and creative products on the market at our disposal to make it very easy to go plastic-free when it comes to storage and having a plastic-less lunch.
5 Zero Waste Lunch Packaging Ideas
- Packing your sandwich or fruits and veggies has never been made so easy with Lunchbots Stainless Steel Containers. I adore these containers and have about 9 of them including a hot pink one. 9 you say? Believe me, we use all of them every day to pack our lunches. They are perfect: they won’t break, they are lightweight unlike glass and the top has a relatively tight seal, but they are by no means leak proof. I wouldn't recommend putting anything too liquidly inside.
- I do not use plastic wrap or aluminum foil for storage but was very intrigued about the Abeego Flat Wrap Covers they added to my goodie bag. They are used the same way but are far safer, more effective- and reusable. They are made with beeswax, tree resin and jojoba oil infused in a hemp/cotton fabric. All you have to do is simply press and bend the wraps as you wish and the warmth of your hands combined with the pressure from your fingers softens the flat. Let me tell you they are pretty awesome. I have been using them mostly for leftover fruits and veggies and the wraps work perfectly. There are many comparable reusable food wraps on the market but these ones are one of a kind because they are plastic-free! And did I mention they are made in Canada? Vancouver to be exact.
- When packing lunches, I usually just grab some of our own stainless steel cutlery from home,, and let’s be honest- how many of us tend to miss place our cutlery and end up with more spoons than forks? The Bamboo Utensil Set seems like a perfect way to avoid this all together. In the set you receive, one fork, spoon, knife and two chopsticks. I have been actually using them at home, and enjoy the silence that is associated with using bamboo utensils while eating.
- I drink many a teas while out of the house and refuse to use a plastic mug that will leak nasty chemicals into my beverage. Therefore, I always use a Glass Mason Jar with a cloth sleeve to avoid burning my hands. I just have to be more careful since it can easily break, which is the downfall to not using plastic.
- Having water on hand is a must have, and it seems a glass water bottle or a stainless steel one are both great alternatives to plastic. I personally have both, and much prefer to drink out of a glass bottle but love the fact that I can drop the stainless steel bottle and it won't break.
How will you decrease your litter and plastic usage when it comes to your lunch?
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