5 tips to help you prepare for the Fall/Winter months….I know, I thought Summer just started too!
- If your home is heated with hot water and/or electric baseboards, they will only run at maximum efficiency if the baseboard convectors and radiators are kept clean. They depend on air flowing through the many fins that surround the pipes or heating elements. If there is any obstruction of air; either from dirt and dust buildup or from something covering the top or bottom of the heating units, this will in turn compromise the performance of the entire system.
- Owners of older homes that still have their original windows loose a large amount of cold air which leaks through the cracks around windows during the winter. Therefore, it is recommended to seal all windows either by covering them with plastic and sealing or sealing them with an non-toxic caulk. Even better, if money permits, invest in new energy efficient windows which should be triple pane.
- Make the switch to programable thermostats. This way you can lower the temperatures during the day when you are not home and while you sleep. This can lead to major energy and cost savings.
- To better insulation your water heater, add an extra layer of insulation to keep it warmer. Water heater “blankets” are available at most home centers and usually pay for themselves through energy savings within a year or two.
- Clean and test your furnace.
Do you have any Fall/Winter tips to share? I would love to hear what others do to help lessen their carbon footprint one baby step at a time.
Small Footprints challenge for the week of August 24-31:Clean and test your furnace-it collects all kinds of dust and debris which not only affects it's performance, but could cause a fire. Before you need to heat your home, get out your owner's manual for instructions on how to clean it. No manual? Check here or call a furnace maintenance company. If you have a gas furnace, have it professionally inspected once a year. Or have you already accomplished this task or don't have a furnace? Then we'd like to hear another Eco-tip or idea for the coming months.
Source: TLC
I have definitely done what I can to “go green” but I still have some work to do. New follower – can’t wait to read more!!
That is great! It is all about baby steps! Keep up the good work!
Thanks! We have been living on the road for the last 2.5 years in the USA. We just got back home to Montreal on Friday night and my husband just went out 5 minutes ago to buy our hot water blanket….so excited!
I don’t have a furnace but if i did i would be all over this!
LOL! You crack me up!
Didn’t know they made water heater blankets..will have to look into this!
Good list, we love having a programmable thermostat!!
Neither did I until a few months ago. My husband read a rather long book on conserving energy and what not. We want to build an eco-house in a few years and try as much as possible to live off the grid with solar and wind power etc. We are getting our blanket today actually! We have been moving around so much and living in apartment after apartment we never invested in one. Now that we are home….it’s time to get one! Apparently, they are worth it to get! Let me know if you end up getting one, Melisa! 🙂
Wonderful tips – I especially like the first one because it’s an area that a lot of people just forget about. Baseboard heaters and radiators need to be cleaned. Thanks for that tip! Here’s another one for people with radiators: place a reflecting panel behind it … you can purchase one at a home center or make one yourself with a plywood panel and aluminum foil. It helps to move the heat into the room.
Thanks! Iam glad you liked! Good idea for the radiators; never knew that! 🙂
great post! I’ve stopped by from stumble tumble and would love it if you popped over and stumbled my post this week: Acting Balanced – Baking with Sorghum
Thanks! That is great that you had it serviced! 🙂
Thanks for the info. I was not aware of that! 🙂
I’m a firm believer that baby steps can have a huge impact!
I stumbled your post. If you want to stumble back, here’s mine: http://www.mamamommymom.com/2011/08/simple-things-sunday-until-we-meet.html
Jamie @ http://www.mamamommymom.com
Thank you, Jamie!