Another great adventure with little E at Runaway Creek Farm this past week. Chasing ducks and chickens, sitting on the tractor, playing with the dog, and eating lots and lots of cherry tomatoes. She loves it there- I think more than me.
The one thing I absolutely love about the farm is how fresh all their produce is. Just look. I wanted celery and there is farmer Michael getting my celery. I guess you can't get much more fresh than this. I am off this week to New York City for Blogher, a blogging conference, so until next week Runaway Creek Farm. Little E will eagerly be awaiting her next visit.
La Moisson (Natural Food Store)
- Fair trade bananas from Equator (13 lbs)
- 18 oranges (California)
- Lundberg’s Rice (USA)
- Green apples (USA)
- Black beans (USA)
- 2 sweet potatoes (Ontario)
- 3 lemons (USA)
- 8 oranges (USA)
- 1 glass jar of Kombucha
- 1 red onion
- 1 glass jar of coconut oil
- 1 glass jar of peanut butter (Quebec)
- Vegan Daiya cheese (Vancouver)
- 2 container of coconut ice cream (USA)
- 1 loaf of raisin bread (Montreal)
- 3 peppers (Quebec)
- 1 bag of 6 buns (Quebec)
Sub-total: 110.48
Runaway Creek farm
- 10 cucumbers
- 1 stalk of celery
- 1 bunch of carrots
- 2 jars of local organic honey
- 3 containers of small cherry tomatoes
- 3 dozen eggs
- 2 packages of bacon
- 2 packages of sausages
Sub-total: 120.00
Friday: J.P went out for lunch at Thai Express 11.49
Sub-Total: 11.49
Total: 241.97
We have the usual amount of compost this week from juicing and eating large quantities of fruits and veggies.
The total weight of our compost is undetermined, but I would say at least 15 lbs.
We didn't have much recycling. Our recycling bin looks pretty empty.
We had the usual suspects like receipts, and some random pieces of plastic that can’t be recycled.
This week, J.P drove from work and back. I drove to daycare, the grocery store, and up North to J.P’s parents.
The total distance traveled on the TDI was 360 km and for the Mazda was 149 km. J.P had to fill up the Mazda with 66.7 L costing 50.00, and I filled the TDI with 21.02 L costing 30.00. I can’t get over how much more expensive gas is in Canada compared to the United States.