Last June, I decided to ditch the conventional shampoo and conditioner and experiment with “no-pooing.” I have not looked back since, but, like those who have implemented the “no-poo” method probably already know all too well, it can leave your hair dry. So- what does a green gal like myself do? I research to find the best way to get rid of the dryness- obviously.
I read that putting a small amount of oil at the ends of your hair would help. Let's just say I tried it and that it did not go as planned. My hair was an oily gross mess. It took a few days to completely get the oil out. I probably put too much and now I am just paranoid if I try it again the same will happen.
I have been on the lookout for a conditioner that would meet all my needs- American made, no harsh chemicals, organic, sustainable practices, and low EWG rating preferably 0, which I found out isn't an easy task.
I finally found a company based in Washington called “Nurture my Body” that looked pretty promising. So, I called them up to ask a zillion questions about their products and by the end of our conversation a bottle of their conditioner was in the mail for me to tryout. They seriously had me at glass bottles.
The one thing I noticed and which became quite apparent during my conversation with Rich, the owner of Nurture my Body, is that they really care. Not the fake greenwashing care. I mean the same type of “care” for the environment and the products I use daily that I have. It is not often that you find a company that gets it right and is so personable. I have had many email conversations with Rich and I feel like I could grab an organic tea with him and his wife and the rest would be history.
- Their products are handmade in the USA-actually in Washington.
- Each product is individually filled. Yes, in the year 2012 people are actually not relying on a machine.
- Their products contain organic ingredients.
- They disclose all ingredients of their products on their website.
- The company runs on 100% wind-powered energy from Puget Sound Energy
- Their products are rated 0 or 1 on the EWG website.
- Most of their products are available in either plastic bottles or glass bottles.
- They support the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and are 1 of 322 companies worldwide called a Champion, and pledged that their products would meet the standards and deadlines set by the European Union Directive 76/768/EEC to be free of chemicals that are known or strongly suspected of causing cancer, mutation, or birth defects. Amazing.
- They are 1 of 390 companies that have been approved by Leaping Bunny. Per Leaping Bunny: “Make a commitment to eliminate animal testing by pledging to only purchase products approved by the Leaping Bunny Program, which provides the best assurance that no new animal testing is used in any phase of product development by the company, its laboratories, or suppliers.
I am really enjoying my new hair. It honestly is a great conditioner and it was so simple to apply. Squeeze a small amount in your hand, massage into your hair and wait a minute or two. Rinse. That is all.
The smell reminds of grapefruit. My hair is no longer dry. I am able to go 3 days without washing my hair. And, the best part: my hair looks and feels great.
The only thing I am disappointed about is that the conditioner and shampoo are no longer available in glass bottles, only BPA-free plastic. However, many of their other products still are. They explained that too many people were complaining that the glass was breaking and such. I say “stop dropping your bottle or order it in plastic next time and leave the glass to people that know how to handle it. Like myself.”
Overall, I am very pleased with the results from using the conditioner and already looking forward to washing my hair again. Two more days.
If everyone cared as much as this company- we would live in a pretty great world.
I did not receive any monetary compensation for this post. I was provided with one bottle of Nurture my Body conditioner at no cost for this review. The opinions expressed here are my own.
would love to try this!!
This is definitely a company I would be proud to support. Thank you for introducing them to us!
Thanks for the product info; can’t wait to try it!
I need to get into no-pooing! It’s on my to-do list 🙂
You are awesome… 🙂 I would love to try this conditioner. I have tried many more natural conditioners but most still feel like they weigh my hair down, I also love that it is a glass bottle, they seem like they are a company that takes def pride and care in what they do, making a good and natural product. Please count me in for a chance at this giveaway.
I love the sound of this company. It sounds like my tea company! Check out my website.
The website is
I love the owners of this company and their products are really fabulous. LOVE!
Hair stuff is one of the things I just can’t seem to find a good solution for. I tried baking soda (made my hair weirdly sticky after a few weeks), I tried a vinegar rinse (my spouse said the smell made him nauseated), I tried dozens of different shampoos and conditioners. Finally went back to my chemical-filled but very effective Citre-Shine…but I’d still love to find an alternative!
I am on the verge of trying no-pooing. This might be the way to help my overly dry hair!
I went from dying my hair every 4 weeks to no dyes/perfumes/parabens/animal products (including silk proteins, honey etc.) for the past two years. My hair has never looked better in its natural state…but I’m still not happy with the natural shampoo selections. bah! This product sounds great…hope to try it!
I recently placed my first order with Nurture My Body (Moisturizing Shampoo) and would love to try the conditioner.
“Liked” Good Girl Gone Green on Facebook
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wow i would love to try this stuff!
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Hello! Stopping by from the eoo-warriors group! Nice to meet you!
I’ve been wanting to try this company’s products, particularly their hair products!! Thanks for the review!
Thanks for the giveaway!
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Hi! I am delighted to learn about this company and product from my own back yard. I live in Seattle and never heard of them before. I am very interested in trying their stuff.
You are awesome. My favorite conditioner is Nexxus Humectress.
Love you and your blog 😀 And would love a (glass) bottle of conditioner to try…
Thanks for the opportunity.
Oh and I follow you on facebook and twitter.
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Sounds like a great product line I’d love to try.
Just started the “no shampoo” a few weeks ago and my ends are very dry. Would love to try this conditioner.
Nice Giveaway!! Would really like to try this..=D
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lisa jorgenson kay
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lisa jorgenson kay
I would love to try this!
I’d love to try their condition. They sound like a fabulous company.
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I would love to try the conditioner I just cut my long hair off and need something to repair the damage done due to the long heavy hair so that my new short hair looks healthy
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following Nurture My Body on Twitter lorialcorn2006
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I have yet to find a great conditioner 🙁
I have followed you on fb 🙂 Imani BeautifullyPissed Monroe
I have like Nuture my body on fb sorry on above typo I liked you on fb lol :)mani BeautifullyPissed Monroe
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I’ve followed Nurture my body on twitter @omqchewchi
i’d love to try this
@lyzajo on twitter
Hi. I like the ingredients in this conditioner