If small everyday actions have lead us to the current environmental state we are in, then maybe small everyday actions can just as easily reverse the damage.
How can you possibly make a difference? In 20 minutes, my husband I were able to pick up all this trash that would have otherwise polluted our oceans and shore lines
- Straws
- Styrofoam pieces
- Take-out containers
- Plastic bags
- Random plastic pieces (broken toys, coolers, beach chairs etc.)
- Beer/soda cans
- Plastic bottles
- Bottle caps
- Paper
- Napkins
- Mesh
- A sheet
- Cigarette butts – probably the most overlooked and nastiest trash left behind on the beach. They might be small, but they pack a big toxic punch.
We were amazed to see how much trash we were able to collect in such a short period. But at the same time, the garbage left on the shores had me wondering how much of an impact did we actually make.
I had to remind myself that I am a hummingbird. If I saved one sea turtle from ingesting a plastic bags or one bird from eating plastic debris, I made a difference no matter how small it may seem. That is good enough for me.
Could you imagine how many birds, fish, and sea creatures etc. could be saved if we all pitched in?
Let me know what you will do today, tomorrow or this week that can make a difference no matter how big or small.
“It's simple…everything we do or don't do has an impact on the world we live in. It starts with me and ripples to you…” ~Danielle Richardet, It Starts with Me
That is both amazing….and disturbing! I just don’t get why people still litter? It blows my mind.
There is a big open park across from our house, and every once in awhile, the kids and I put on some gloves, grab a trash bag, and go pick it clean. When we get home we sort into applicable bins: plastic, metal, glass, compost, garbage. You won’t believe what we find some days!
It is a great thing that you do with your kids! You are teaching them to respect the planet and that the streets are not a big garbage can. Good for you!
THis is AWESOME. No other words can compare. You did a great thing. And you know whats sad is that there were probably people looking at you like your were nuts and what were you doing. Those people need to be smacked. I need to make like a scavenger hunt list for the kids when we go to the beach and make a game and give them prizes. Make it fun. And no Pics of the hub. come on now
Thank you! We got the beach too early for there to really be anyone, but the men in the rather large trucks that “clean” the beach looked at us a little funny. That is a great idea to make a game out if it. I am sure they will enjoy that. 🙂
It is amazing what people leave at the beach at the end of the day! Good for you for picking up some trash with your daughter. Not many people would do that!
We were out for a walk last night and the kids saw some garbage on the ground. I didn’t have a close look, but it appeared to be chip bags or something. Right away the kids picked up the garbage and looked for the nearest trash bin. I was so excited to see my big boys picking up trash on the sidewalk rather than creating it.
I think setting an example is really important.
That is so great! Your kids have apparently been taught to respect the planet! 🙂
LOVE this post. You are so right. What a difference it would make if all of us would just do our part!
Thank you! A big difference!
Your son is a smart boy!!! 🙂
Great post! Thankyou:)
Danielle shared your photo on our wall, awesome stuff.
It’s inspiring to see the response one small action can receive.
Two Hands Project.org
Awww, thanks, Paul! I wish I lived closer to the beach because I would so it all the time. Instead, I am picking up trash whenever I go for a walk with my daughter! Oh and I wish there were more people like us! 🙂
that is just nasty and wrong
i don’t get it…
i mean, don’t they realize that besides all the harm they are doing, it is also gross and dirtying up the area that they too want to enjoy?
I know! I wish more people thought like you.
That really is a lot! I’m impressed.
It’s great that you are the change you want to see in the world.
I guess I am the change I want to see in the world….Thank you for that!
We’re going to the beach in about three weeks. This post surely will make me feel uncomfortable sitting there without doing anything. It is disturbing how much garbage is left behind. People travel to the other side of the world to see turtles laying eggs, and they just don’t seem to understand that the garbage they leave behind on their own beaches affect their chance of survival…
I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but any trash, no matter if it’s one piece or a thousand pieces will help. Like I said if I safe one sea turtle or one fish, I am happy! Also, did you know when people dig holes in the sand, and they are not covered this can lead to sea turtle death. When the sea turtles come on shore for nesting they can get trapped in the holes we leave!
You are doing an amazing thing!!!!! WOW. When we lived in the UAE we called the blue plastic bag the “National Flower of the UAE” – how sad is that? We used to organise Eco Tours of the region and would litter pick as part of our hikes – the amount of waste we collected was incredible … it’s now part of our make up … luckily in France major litter is actually USUALLY a non-issue but we do pick up plastic on our rambles … I have to say I had no idea how awful cigarette butts are … I guess France get’s a massive fail on that part considering smoking is hardcore here.
Thank you! It is good to know some places don’t litter nearly as much as North America! 🙂
Thank you!
Thanks for linking up at Thoughtful Thursday :))
What you and your husband did was amazing. It shows that we can all make a difference, however big or small, by doing what we can in keeping the earth green. You’ve definitely raised our awareness!
I actually really enjoy doing things like that! I hope to inspire others to take a few moments and pick up a plastic bag or water bottle if they see it just lying on the ground!
Hi – I’m glad I found your meaningful and thoughtful blog. I am a grateful follower.
Good for you! We all need to remember to do this on a regular basis and not just on Earth Day!
I couldn’t agree more. Every day is Earth day for ME!! 🙂
No matter what you do, it is great. Mots people do nothing, so just the fact you are doing something is awesome! Keep it up!
Hi Finally caught up with all that you picked up on the beach !! WOW !! You really cleaned up the beach … who’d have thought you’d find so much !
Am very impressed at your dedication to the cause and the fact that you blog every day. Will check back and catch up on your other blogs !! Have a great green weekend :0) !!
Also, sorry I took so long to visit back. it’s been a crazy busy week !
Thats a good reminder ! Thanks for sharing with *PicStory*. Can you please put a backlink to PicStory 🙂 Thanks
Thanks! Done all linked up!